Geographical coverage |
Кыргызская Республика
Unit of measurement |
Not available for this indicator
Definitions |
The percentage of schools by level of education (primary education) with access to the given facility or service.
Concepts |
a) Electricity: Regularly and readily available sources of power;
b) Internet for pedagogical purposes: Internet that is available for enhancing teaching and learning and is accessible by pupils;
c) Computers for pedagogical use: Use of computers for teaching and learning needs;
d) Adapted infrastructure is defined as any built environment related to education facilities that are accessible to all users, including those with different types of disability. Adapted materials include learning materials and assistive products that enable students and teachers with disabilities to access learning;
e) Basic drinking water is defined as a functional drinking water source accessible to all users;
f) Basic sanitation facilities are defined as functional sanitation facilities separated for males and females on or near the premises;
g) Basic handwashing facilities (according to the WASH Initiative indicator definitions) are defined as functional handwashing facilities, with soap and water
Rationale and interpretation |
Not available for this indicator
Method of computation |
PSn,f = Sn,f/ Sn * 100
PSn,f = percentage of schools at level n of education with access to facility f
Sn,f = schools at level n of education with access to facility f
Sn = total number of schools at level n of education
Comments and limitations |
The indicator measures the existence in schools of the given service or facility but not its quality or operational state.
Quality assurance |
Data availability and gaps |
Not available for this indicator
Disaggregation |
by region, district, school
Comparability with international data/standards |
Not available for this indicator
References and documentation |
KR National SDG Reporting Platform:
Data sources |
Educational organizations or District EO
Data collection methods |
Link to UN metadata |
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Metadata opens in a new window