The Statistical Compendium “Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators in the Kyrgyz Republic”
The purpose of this publication is to inform the public about the current state and progress of sustainable development in our country, as well as to assist in identifying further priority steps to achieve success in the implementation of the SDGs.
This Compendium presents data on the progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for all available indicators, including time series for more than 100 global and national indicators, which will allow an in-depth analysis of socio-economic and environmental trends taking place in the republic and its regions.
This publication contains complete information on monitoring the SDGs, a description of individual indicators and a brief overview of progress with the corresponding metadata and disaggregated data. It will be very useful for government officials to make informed political and managerial decisions, identify the main areas on which to focus on for subsequent actions.
Data in the compendium are for the last five years, and data for 2010 are also presented for trend analysis.
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