Geographical coverage |
Кыргызская Республика
Unit of measurement |
на 1000 родившихся живыми
Definitions |
Under-five mortality is the probability of a child born in a specific year or period dying before reaching the age of 5 years.
Concepts |
Mortality is the process of generation extinction, one of the two main sub-processes of population reproduction. Under-five mortality is the probability of a child born in a specific year or period dying before reaching the age of 5 years, if subject to age specific mortality rates of that period, expressed per 1000 live births. WHO defines a live birth as the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which, after such separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or any definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached - every result of such conception shall be regarded as live-born.
Rationale and interpretation |
Analysis of indicator allows assessing maternal and child protection State policy effectiveness in the country. Mortality rates among young children are a key output indicator for child health and well-being, and, more broadly, for social and economic development. The indicator assesses the state of public health, because it reflects the access of children and communities to basic health interventions such as vaccination, medical treatment of infectious diseases and adequate nutrition.
Method of computation |
Under-five mortality - indicator determining mortality rate of children under five years of age (0-4 years). Calculated as the ratio of deaths under five years of age to live births, multiplied by 1,000. The coefficient is expressed in per mille.
Comments and limitations |
This indicator reflects maternal mortality risks in relation to the number of children born alive and essentially records the risk of death from pregnancy or live birth. According to experts, coverage of civil registration system is considered satisfactory though needs to be improved due to being paper-based. Since December 2014 an automated electronic system AIS “Registration Office”(ZAGS) has been in operation as a component of SRS information systems. However, upon receipt by statistical authorities paper-based data then entered into special software by statistical agencies employees, which sometimes leads to errors and omissions. Soon (until the end of 2020th) a database on natural and migratory population movements being derived from the SRS data will become one of population statistics sources.
Quality assurance |
Logical and arithmetic control of recorded data is carried out. Data control in data records is carried out by logical control procedure embedded in the data input and processing software.
Data availability and gaps |
Data are distributed via the National Statistical Committee publications: «Demographic yearbook of the Kyrgyz Republic», «Social trends of the Kyrgyz Republic», «Women and men of the Kyrgyz Republic», «Health of population and healthcare in the Kyrgyz Republic», available on the official website of NSC KR: Time series have been available since 1990.
Disaggregation |
Indicator is calculated nationally and by regions (Republic, regions, city of Bishkek, city of Osh).
Comparability with international data/standards |
International definition of the indicator is used for national statistics. Since 2004, the Kyrgyz Republic has adopted the international criteria recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for live births and infant and child mortality.
References and documentation |
References to RLA and methodology:;;
National Statistical Committee publications: «Social economic situation of the Kyrgyz Republic» monthly report, statistical collections: «Demographic yearbook of the Kyrgyz Republic», «Social trends of the Kyrgyz Republic», «Women and men», «Standard of living of the population of the Kyrgyz Republic», «Health of population and health care in the Kyrgyz Republic», available on the official website of NSC KR:
KR National SDG Reporting Platform:
Data sources |
Data source for under-five mortality are medical death certificates drawn up by doctors or medical officers concerning illness, accident, homicide, suicide and other external causes of death. These documents, together with the civil registration of deaths drawn up by civil registration offices (which are subordinate to the State Registration Service), are sent to the local statistical offices for processing.
Data collection methods |
Data are obtained from Death Certificates and attached to them Medical Death and Perinatal Death Certificates submitted by the Civil Registry Office (SRS under the GKR) on a regular basis (monthly). Primary processing and data consolidation are carried out at the level of local government statistical agencies. The national data set is processed by the National Statistical Committee. The period between data collection and submission is 38 days.
Link to UN metadata |
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Metadata opens in a new window