Geographical coverage |
Кыргызская Республика
Unit of measurement |
В процентах к ВВП
Definitions |
Total government revenue as a proportion of GDP, by source
Concepts |
State budget revenues consist of five main sources:
- Tax revenues;
- Contributions/repayments to social security and social needs;
- Official transfers received;
- Non-tax revenues;
- Revenues from the sale of non-financial assets.
Tax revenues are mandatory non-refundable payments from income (turnover), legal entities and individuals; levies, customs duties or any other mandatory payments, including fines and penalties paid for violation of tax laws in favor of the budget.
Social security and social contributions/payments include all contributions from all sources to the Social Fund and the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund (FOMS). This budget line is used exclusively by the Social Fund and the FOMS. It also includes employees’ revenues records paid by employers, or paid by self-employed persons. It also includes accounting for receipts from employees paid by employers on their behalf and self-employed persons.
Grants are (optional) fund transfers or gratuitous transfers received by public institutions, usually from other public administrative units or international organizations, governments of other states.
Non-tax revenues include all reimbursable, non-refundable revenues, excluding revenues from capital transactions; revenues from property and interest, sale of goods and provision of services by public authorities and budgetary institutions (special funds), as well as revenues from fines, penalties and other payments outside tax legislation.
Revenues from the sale of non-financial assets include revenues from transactions that reduce the economic assets (other than financial) held by an institutional unit.
Rationale and interpretation |
Indicator reflects total government revenue as a proportion of GDP, or the total national revenue.
This indicator supports understanding countries’ domestic revenue mobilization for the purpose of policy implementation, resources for physical infrastructure, public goods and services.
Method of computation |
Calculated as the ratio of state budget revenues by budget classification sub-items in accordance with budget execution reporting to GDP (in percentage terms)
Comments and limitations |
Not available for this indicator
Quality assurance |
Not available for this indicator
Data availability and gaps |
Data on the indicator are available in the annual dynamics since 2007, available at the website of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, Open Data and Statistics/Sustainable Development Goals Sections
Disaggregation |
Data for the indicator are provided for the Kyrgyz Republic in general and by revenues:
Social security/contributions;
Official transfers received;
Non-tax revenues;
Revenues from the sale of non-financial assets.
Comparability with international data/standards |
State revenues in total and by type of revenue - in accordance with the 2001 IMF Manual on Government Finance Statistics Manual, including revenues from the sale of non-financial assets.
References and documentation |
Metadata available at the UN website -
The Kyrgyz Republic SDG National Reporting Platform:
Data sources |
Data on state revenues are the administrative data of the Central Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic compiled from reports on state, national and local budgets’ implementation.
Data on GDP - Department of Economic Statistics and National Accounts of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Data collection methods |
The Central Treasury of the MOF KR provides reports on the state, national and local budgets’ implementation to the National Statistical Committee on a monthly and annual basis.
GDP data are generated by the Department of Economic Statistics and National Accounts of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, in accordance with the Statistical Work Program.
Link to UN metadata |
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Metadata opens in a new window