Geographical coverage |
Kyrgyz Republic
Unit of measurement |
Not available for this indicator
Definitions |
An open-ended intergovernmental expert working group on indicators and terminology relating to disaster risk reduction established by the General Assembly (resolution 69/284) is developing a set of indicators to measure global progress in the implementation of the Sendai Framework. These indicators will eventually reflect the agreements on the Sendai Framework indicators.
Concepts |
Over the next 15 years DDR strategy aims to achieve a significant disaster risk reduction and disaster losses in terms of deaths, livelihoods and health losses, and adverse effects on economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental assets of people, enterprises, communities and countries.
Rationale and interpretation |
The indicator will build bridge between the SDGs and the Sendai Framework for DRR. Increasing number of national governments that adopt and implement national and local DRR strategies, which the Sendai Framework calls for, will contribute to sustainable development from economic, environmental and social perspectives. It is not recommended to simply count the number of countries; instead indicators to measure progress over time should be promoted. Further to the deliberations of the OEIWG as well as the IAEG, UNISDR has proposed computation methodologies that allow the monitoring of improvement in national and local DRR strategies over time. These methodologies range from a simple quantitative assessment of the number of these strategies to a qualitative measure of alignment with the Sendai Framework, as well as population coverage for local strategies.
Method of computation |
Note: Computation methodology for several indicators is very comprehensive, very long (about 180 pages) and probably out of the scope of this Metadata. UNISDR prefers to refer to the outcome of the Open Ended Intergovernmental Working Group, which provides a full detailed methodology for each indicator.
The latest version of these methodologies can be obtained at:
Comments and limitations |
The HFA Monitor started in 2007 and over time, the number of countries reporting to UNISDR increased from 60 in 2007 to 140 countries now undertaking voluntary self-assessment of progress in implementing the HFA. During the four reporting cycles to 2015 the HFA Monitor has generated the world’s largest repository of information on national DRR policy inter alia. Its successor, provisionally named the Sendai Monitor, is under development and will be informed by the recommendations of the OEIWG.
Quality assurance |
Страны представляют отчетные данные в систему онлайн мониторинга Сендайской рамочной программы. Заполнение данных проходит 3 уровня (автор, валидатор, национальный координатор), все данные отображаются в онлайн режиме на сайте мониторинга Сендая.
МЧС КР как государственный орган представляет в Нацстатком КР по Матрице инвентаризации и адаптации задач и показателей Целей устойчивого развития
Data availability and gaps |
2013 and 2015 time series: Hyogo Framework (HFA) Monitor
Disaggregation |
National level.
Comparability with international data/standards |
Data for Kyrgyzstan are comparable with other countries as they are compiled in accordance with international methodology.
References and documentation |
Links: The Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group on Indicators and Terminology relating to Disaster Risk Reduction (OEIWG) was given the responsibility by the UNGA for the development of a set of indicators to measure global progress in the implementation of the Sendai Framework, against the seven global targets. The work of the OEIWG shall be completed by December 2016 and its report submitted to the General Assembly for consideration. The IAEG-SDGs and the UN Statistical Commission formally recognizes the role of the OEIWG, and has deferred the responsibility for the further refinement and development of the methodology for disaster-related SDGs indicators to this working group.
The latest version of Documentation are located at:
KR National SDG Reporting Platform:
Data sources |
National Progress Report of the Sendai Monitor, reported to UNISDR.
Data collection methods |
Official national partners submit National Progress Report of the Sendai Monitor.
Link to UN metadata |
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Metadata (pdf 894kB) opens in a new window