Geographical coverage |
Kyrgyz Republic
Unit of measurement |
Definitions |
The national poverty rate is the percentage of the total population living below the national poverty line. The rural poverty rate is the percentage of the rural population living below the national poverty line. Urban poverty rate is the percentage of the urban population living below the national poverty.
Concepts |
To calculate the proportion of country’s population living below the national poverty line, the following measures are required - welfare indicator (consumption) and poverty line, expressed in monetary terms.
Poverty line is the estimated minimum level of income per person needed to secure the necessities of life.
Household consumption expenditure - monetary expenditure on purchases of consumer non-food goods and services, as well as estimation of food consumption value.
Rationale and interpretation |
National poverty line is used in the Kyrgyz Republic to assess population’s standard of living and justify targeted State support for low-income citizens in difficult circumstances, implementation of a single State social policy to ensure access to material and spiritual goods and services.
Welfare indicator is calculated annually based on regular data on population expenditures and consumption of the Kyrgyz Republic. The poverty line is redefined along the revised social standards, collection methods or information processing procedures changes, and when the average annual inflation rate exceeds 10 per cent. In subsequent years, the poverty line is annually indexed to consumer price index (period to period): food basket value is indexed to the average annual consumer price index for food products, non-food goods and services value by the average annual index for non-food goods and services.
Method of computation |
A household and all inhabitants are classified as poor if the average per capita consumption of the household does not exceed the poverty line. The indicator is calculated as a percentage to population.
Comments and limitations |
The concept of poverty assessment using national poverty line differs from the international poverty estimates. National poverty is a different concept than global poverty. National poverty rate is defined at country-specific poverty lines in local currencies. These poverty lines vary considerably in value across countries depending on their economic development. Thus, national poverty rates cannot be compared across countries or with the $1.90-a-day poverty rate. Poverty estimates in the Kyrgyz Republic are based on data from household sample surveys, which presents certain limitation for detailed poverty indicators.
Quality assurance |
Poverty economists from the World Bank typically engage with NSOs broadly on poverty measurement and analysis as part of technical assistance activities. The raw data are obtained by poverty economists through their contacts in the NSOs, and checked for quality before being submitted for further analysis.
Data availability and gaps |
Comparable statistical series based on a common methodology have been available since 2000.
Disaggregation |
National and subnational level, by area, sex and age group.
Comparability with international data/standards |
National poverty line indicators are not comparable with other countries, even though the NSC applies the internationally recognized and approved consumption-based poverty method as one of the standard computation methods for poverty.
References and documentation |
Poverty line definition methodology:
Data sources |
Integrated Household Budget and Labour Force Sample Survey (hereinafter IHBLFSS).
Data collection methods |
Data are obtained through the IHBLFSS questionnaires using a cluster sample built on the latest available Census and up-to-date housing lists. The IHBLFS surveys rely on personal interviews collected using tablet computers (ComputerAssisted Personal Interview, CAPI).
Data are collected on a quarterly basis and an indicator is calculated using data for the past year.
Link to UN metadata |
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